Chapter 0010 OLIVIA I wished he did. I didn't even know why he didn't cto the prison to servewith those divorce papers. I waited for him to come; I was ready. Why didn't he do it? “No, but I want to divorce him, you can tell him to bring the divorce papers and I will sign them." I wanted nothing to do with that man, ever again. All I wanted was for him to releaseand setfree. Those divorce papers will freefrom him. My mother-in-law didn't ask any more questions after that.
We drove to their house; it still looked the sas I remember it. "Do you still not want anything to eat?" I shook my head no. "I am not hungry, but I would like to rest.” She nodded. My father-in-law has been quiet all this time. "You know where your room is. Go and rest." I didn't want to sleep in the sroom I used to share with Nick when we cto visit. "Can I please use another room and can I borrow your phone please. I would like to make a call.” "Sure, choose any room you like and here is my phone. Don't worry, I will get you one tomorrow." I thanked her then walked up the stairs. The chose the first guest room far from the room Nick and I used.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtI sat on the bed and made a call to Ethan, I wanted to know how my baby was doing. It rang a couple of times before his voice con the line. "Mrs Jone, to what to I owe the pleasure of receiving your call this evening?" he thought it was Nick's mother calling.
"Ethan, it's me." There was silence on the other end of the line to a point that I thought he cut the call. "Ethan?" "Olivia, is that really you?" I nodded as if he could see me. Yes, Ethan, it's me.' "When did you get out, where are you, are you alright, oh God Olivia, tellwhere you are, and I will cfor you." I appreciated his concern. "I am fine Ethan, am with my in laws. How's..." I went to the door and looked out to make sure his parents were still downstairs. I didn't want them knowing about Samuel either. "How's Simuel?" I missed my son so much. "I just cback yesterday from seeing him. he has grown so much Olivia and he is smart and very handsome." I teared up, I missed so much in his life. "Thank you, Ethan, for everything you did forand for taking care of him. One day I will be able to repay you for your kindness." "Nonsense, I didn't do any of it to be repaid. We are friends Olivia, and I would do anything for you. does Nick know you are out?" I didn't care whether he knew or not. That man ruined my life, and I hated him with passion.
"I don't want to talk about Nick, if you don't mind." "Of course, would you like to see Samuel?" I wanted to, so badly but I needed to get back on my feet again before I could see him. I didn't want my son to meet a shadow of his mother. I wanted him to seein a good light and going to see him like this was not a good idea.
"I will see him soon Ethan, I just want to get back on my feet first. I don't want him to seelike this.” He was silent for a while. "I can help with that; I can give you a job and..." I cut him short, he was Nick's friend, and he has already done enough for me.
"Thank you, Ethan but I will be fine on my own. I will call again soon." I cut the call and laid on the bed for a few minutes before getting up and going back downstairs.
My in laws were still sitting there talking. "Mom, here is your phone, thank you." I handed it to her and went back to my room. I needed to get the hell out of there, that was no longer my home. I needed to get a job and go back to my grandmother's house. That was my home.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏmI needed to start over there not at Ethan's home. Here he could cand go as he pleases. It is his parent's home, 1/2 +25 BONUS Chapter 0010 and he was their son. They would not turn him away because of me. I tossed and turned on the bed, but I could not find a comfortable position.
I ended up laying a blanket on the floor, I felt comfortable there, I was no longer used to sleeping on a m onam comfortable bed. I was now used to the hardships of prison. Maybe I will get used to a bed as tgoes by. I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep.
Just as I was drifting off, I heard a noise, and I jumped up. I looked around only to see that it was am branch from the tree outside scratching on the window and making that noise. I went and closed the window.
I was so jumpy because I got used to prison and there when I heard a noise. It was usually my cell door opening, with those guards bringing vefood of those animals coming to beatup for their amusement. I couldn't sleep after that. Prison ruined me, no. Prison didn't ruin me, Nick and Sandra did, and I am going to make them pay for it. One way or another.