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Revenge After Divorce by Black Rose

Chapter 126
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Chapter 0126 OLIVIA It has been a peaceful couple of months to a point that I even felt uncomfortable. Waiting for the other shoe to drop because knowing me, things like peace never last. I have been having these anxiety attacks every morning wondering what the hell the day had in store forand when it ends, and nothing happens.

I would sigh in relief and thank God I got through yet another day without any issues. “Olivia, cout! How are we supposed to help you pick a dress if you hide in there?" oh, I almost forgot lost in my thoughts that I forgot what we chere to do. These past couple of months I have been planning my wedding.

With the help of a wedding planner and Lupita. Marcus didn't want to wait long and so did i. I did say that I was living for today and I was happy with Marcus now and I didn't want to wait for things to change again forto live my life. So today, I was dress fitting but have been in this fitting room for almost fifteen minutes.

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Thinking about my grandma and mother. What they would say if they sawin this dress. If they would have been happy foror disappointed that my first marriage didn't work? My grandma was very old school and believed in perseverance. She would have toldto give Nick another chance if she were here.

"Olivia! If you don't cout of here this minute, I am coming in." I laughed, she sounded frustrated. I opened the door and walked out. Her mouth hung opened and her eyes sparkling with the tears she was holding. That was my third dress, and I felt like it was the one.

" "Oh, child. You look like an angel." Grandma said dabbing her eyes with a tissue. Lupita cand hugged me. Marcus will not recognize you in this dress. You look breathtaking, Olivia. This is your dress." I smiled trying not to cry myself. I did that a lot in the past, now it was tforto be happy.

"Thank you." I went and changed then got the dress. We went to get something to eat at a beach front restaurant. I like the sea breeze caressing my face as we ate. It was beautiful, calming and peaceful. I really liked it.

"I can't wait till the wedding; Samuel is going to look amazing." I laughed. They didn't want to showhis suit. They just toldthat it looked like Marcus's suit which I have not seen. "Olivia, right?" someone said from behind me, and I turned to look. it was an older gentleman, I didn't know.

"Who's asking?" I was already on guard; I should have known that the peace was not going to last. "Your soon to be father-in-law. You know Marcus doesn't have a father anymore. I am what he has, Warren, his uncle." He said taking a seat next to Lupita.

We were supposed to only see them at the wedding. When Marcus called them to tell them about the engagement and invited them to cand meet me. they said they could not make it and could only cto the wedding. It was a shock seeing him there.

"A pleasure to meet you, Warren. I thought I will only get to meet you at the wedding." He gavea funny smile. but I did not read too much into it. he called the waitress and asked for a menu then ordered something for himself.

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"That was the plan until I thought of something urgent that needed to be addressed." I furrowed my eyebrows wondering what that could be, did we maybe forget to invite someone important from their family? "Oh, don't worry. It can be fixed very quickly, it's no big deal." He said taking a sip from his drink. Now I was more curious to know what the hell that was. "Okay, that is better then. We can talk about it at home, we are heading there after this. Where are you staying?" he gavethat funny smile again or was it how the man smiled.

It madeuncomfortable. “I am staying in a hotel, and I won't be here long. There is still a lot to be done back home, and I want this business to be concluded here after we done eating. As I said, it's something quick.” I didn't know what else to say. The man was rude that was clear. He didn't even acknowledge grandma and Lupita.

1/2 +26 BONUS Chapter 0126 Rich people and their shit. This was my family! We got done and I waited patiently for him to bring up that business he spoke about. But the man ordered another drink instead, keepingin suspense. “Marcus tellsthat you were married before."

I shifted uncomfortably on my seat. "Yes, I was." He nodded. "And he tellsthat you are a convicted criminal." So, Marcus was discussingwith his uncle. Wow. "Yes, am." Now I was already on defence, I didn't know where the man was going with all his questions, but I didn like it. "They say your first husband was the one who sent you to jail because you stole from him." I fumed in anger. I didn't like the man. "Yes, he did but I didn't..."

He lifted his hand to silence me. "Oh, no need to explain. I know the story of how you were framed and all that. but to be honest, I'don't believe it. no E husband would just send his wife to jail for no reason. You must have done something." I said nothing because there was nothing to say. It was clear that his mind was made up about me. maybe he was there to tellnot to marry Marcus. “It's fine, you don't have to tellanything. I already know all that I need to know. But I need you to sign this." He I gestured for the man who was standing behind him.

I assumed he was his bodyguard. The man handeda brown envelope. I opened it and took out the papers inside. In bold it was written, PRE-NUPTIAL AGREEMENT. looked at it and felt very offended. Marcus didn't giveá prenup, but he was, or did Marcus send him to give it to me?

"I don't understand, did Marcus ask you to givethis?" his expression hardened. "Why would a love-struck man think of something like this? I am not the one who is in love with you Olivia and I can see you for who you are. So, if you want this wedding to continue and if you are not after something then you will have no problem signing that."