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Revenge After Divorce by Black Rose

Chapter 131
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Chapter 0131 OLIVIA +25 BONUS It's the day of the wedding and I couldn't sleep a wink last night. I didn't remember myself being that nervous on my wedding day with Nick. What was different about this one? I tried; God knows I tried. I drank warm milk, camomile tea but none of that worked. I was still up at two the morning not able to sleep.

I couldn't pinpoint exactly why. Now Lupita was mad atbecause I didn't want to wake up and get ready. She was complaining about being late and all that. but a bride is always late, what's new? "Olivia!" I wished she would stop coming into my room and trying to wakeup every five minutes and letget the sleep I need then I can wake up.

"Call Marcus and tell him to move the start tby an hour or so because I am not going to rock up there with bags under my eyes." I complained turning to the other side and sleeping smore. My eyes were heavy with sleep that I found Lupita annoying for trying to depriveof it.

I head footsteps moving away and a smiled relaxing while snuggling my pillow. Marcus would understand. I was starting to fall into deep sleep when I felt something cold being poured on me. I jumped up gasping. I was so mad and ready to give whoever did that a piece of my mind.

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But when I cto, grandma stood there with a bucket in hand. She didn't look pleased at all. “Grandma." She elicked her tongue. "Go shower, your make up people are waiting for you and don't makecback here to look for you again." Wow! I didn't know she could look that scary, it was unlike her.

She walked out and Lupita appeared with a smirk on her face. I gave her the finger and she laughed. I went into the shower and used cold water to wake myself up. If I had used warm water, then I would have fallen asleep in that shower and angered grandma smore.

At least I only had to get myself ready, Samuel was getting ready with Ethan and Marcus. I didn't know what got into Marcus that he asked Ethan to be his best man. But I let it go, he had his reasons. They both did and it had nothing to do with me.

I was just glad that Nick has kept his distance all this time. Madefeel like he had accepted the fact that we were over, and I was glad. I got out of the shower and put on my gown then went out of the room. indeed, the make-up people were already waiting for me.

I took a seat, and Lupita handeda cup of coffee and a slice of toast. I was grateful because I knew I wouldn't have had tto have something. They got to work on my hair while we were talking and laughing and drinking champagne.

Soon they were done withand I moved, and they did Lupita and grandma's makeup then we all got dressed and we were ready to go. We were about fifteen minutes late. The limo was already waiting outside for us. I wanted to go with my family.

I already didn't have anyone to walkdown the aisle, Luke offered but I refused. I could not give the man such an honour after what he did. He did not deserve it and not only because of what he did to my mother, but he was not a father to me. so, why would I have him givingaway on my special day? "How are you feeling?" asked grandma. I was alright, for sreason. I felt at peace. "I am fine grandma, am happy and at peace. I think all the nerves I was feeling last night preventingfrom sleeping are all gone." She offereda smile. “I wish your mother and grandmother were here to see how beautiful you look. I am s they are both happy wherever they are, looking down on you and smiling." I teared up when she said that. I wished I had them withthis day.

But God had other plans for them and me. "Thank you." when we got to the church Ethan was pacing in front then 1/2 Chapter 0131 +25 BONUS stopped when our car stopped next to him. Lupita opened the door and got out. Ethan peeked into the car. "Are you trying to give that man a heart attack?" I laughed.

But he was not having it. “This is not a laughing matter Olivia; the man gotout here going crazy because you were not showing. Am sure he was thinking you ran off and went back to Nick." I frowned.

"Oh, con, don't givethat look, my best friend is not a bad man he just did bad things. Am going in to tell him you are here. Don't stay out here too long or he will just die on that alter." I laughed as he walked away.

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My poor man must have been really worried. We walked up the stairs and grandma and Lupita gavea hug before going inside and leavingthere. I took deep breaths trying to calm down. I could feel my nerves returning now knowing that all eyes would be on me.

My song soon played, and I took one last deep breath, and I walked in. I didn't look at anyone else, my focus was on the mand was marrying looking handson the alter with my son by his side. He couldn't take his eyes offas I walked along. The world disappeared and all who remained were just the two of us. When I got to him, he smiled and whispered. "You look breathtakingly beautiful, my love." I smiled "You don't look too bad yourself." He laughed; he looked so handsin his suit. The ceremony started but I couldn't hear a thing.

My focus was on the smile and winks the man kept giving me. a mischievous smile played on his lips with a promise of being naughty later. It madewant to get the hell out of there and go be alone with him.

"If there is anyone here, who knows of any reason these two cannot be joined in marriage, ple of forever bold you beese speak now peace." I heard that part and the reason I heard it was because I had many people who were not very pleased by the wedding. "Good, let us continue..." "I object!" a voice I knew all too well suddenly said. I held my breath not wanting to turn to look at him. "Why, if I may ask.?" "Because the bride is already married, to me."