Chapter 0139 OLIVIA Two days have passed and there has been no sign of Nick. His phone was not going through and Ethan had sent out Owen and others of Nick's men to go looking for him. He has also been everywhere looking for him in the places that they usually go to, but he was not there. Everyone was getting worried, and I couldn't help but blmyself for his disappearance.
I saw he was not alright that day and I shouldn't have left him like that. Maybe I should have made sure he was fine before leaving. "Where the hell is Olivia? Olivia!" I sighed, there we go, it has been long overdue. I knew one of these days she was going to cand blme for everything.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt"Olivia, just when I thought I could give you the benefit of the doubt you go and do something like this." "I told you that Olivia did nothing wrong. She calledthat day to be with Nick when she saw he wasn't alright. I am the one who let him drive off on his own not Olivia. If you want someone to blame, then blme.” Ethan said coming in. I didn't see he was right behind her.
"People, we are not here for that. Ms Williams or shall I say Mrs Jones, I am detective Rogers from missing persons. I just want to ask you a few questions about the disappearance of Mr Nick Jones, your husband." Then there was that. Nick and I were still married, and the wife is always the number one suspect.
"I don't know where he is, I last spoke to him two days ago." The detective wrote on his little book. "I understand that your husband stopped your wedding three days ago. How did you feel about that?" I frowned. Now he was going to say I did something to Nick because he stopped my wedding. "Do I need a lawyer?" I questioned.
I didn't want to say something that was going to pushinto a corner and result ingoing back to jail for something I didn't do. "If you have something to hide then yes, but if you don't have anything to hide then I don't see a reason for you to call a lawyer." "No, Olivia. Call a lawyer." Ethan said and I did as he asked. Nick's mother glared at him. "You call yourself Nick's best friend and this is what you do? Don't you want him to be found, or do you know where my son is." Ethan laughed. He was not amused but he was getting angry. "Nick is a grown man, and he can do whatever he wants. He drove himself alone and leftthere. I don't have to take this from you, and I will not allow you to treat Olivia like she did something wrong." Nick's mother clapped her hands laughing. “Is that so? Alright Ethan." She then stormed off and left. "Mrs Jones, when you get your lawyer, I suggest you cto the station to answer more questions. Here." He gavehis card before following Nick's mother out.
I sighed feeling defeated. "Where the hell could he be?" I just shrugged; I didn't know Nick that well anymore. I spent two years of my life in jail and when I cback there was no connection between us. A lot changed in that time, and I no longer knew the man or what he liked anymore. ' "I should have followed him that day.” Ethan sat down looking like he aged a few years. “I have looked - everywhere Olivia, even check flights to see if he travelled out of the city but there is no record of him leaving. I don't know where else to look now." I could see how frustrated he was. "The police are going to find a way to pin his disappearance on me." I said with a low voice, I could already tell from the line of question that detective took that he blamed me. he thought I had something to do with his disappearance. "I won't let that happen. I was the one who last saw Nick. If they want to blsomeone then it should be me." I sighed.
"They might even blMarcus too; they could say he was angry about Nick stopping the wedding that he did something to him. no matter what we do here, they will find a way to blus. The only choice we have in getting out of this shit is finding fucking Nick Jones. But where?" 1/2 Chapter 0139 +25 BONUS I was tired, seriously what was so difficult for Nick to communicate and tell people that he was alright. Was he maybe doing this on purpose to punishfor asking him to sign the papers? I couldn't put that past the man. Nick can be too much when he wanted to.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm"I know Olivia, call Marcus and tell him what is going on then go to the police station with your lawyer. Here is the number of the one I use; he is the best and he will help. just tell him I gave you the number." I took the card.
"Olivia, I won't let the Jones family blthis on you.” I just nodded, if the Jones family wanted to blthis onthen they had the power to do just that. but this tit won't be that easy. I would be damned if I let that family sendback to prison for something I didn't do.
I would work with Luke if I had to, but I was not leaving my son again and being imprisoned for this. Nick m fucking one's better cback and sort this out because it would be a cold day in hell before I let anyone separatefrom my son again and sendto jail for nonsense.
Marcus walked in looking worried, Ethan must have called him first before I could. He tookinto his arms. "If anyone wants to get to you, they will have to go throughfirst. I will be damned if I let that happen." I appreciated him being there for me. “Well, you might need to get a lawyer too. The detective acted like I was angry at Nick for stopping my wedding and that I might have done something to him." He frowned. "Let's go to the station, my lawyer will meet us there. I want him to say that to my face and produce evidence to that effect. None of us are going down for that selfish bastard." Chapter 0140