Chapter 163 MARCUS I frowned, since when is Nick the reasonable one? By staying a week with Samuel here, I thought I would make up for the honeymoon that was ruined by my uncle, and she would be at ease with Samuel with us. I didn't know I was pushing it. I seemed to be making a lot of mistakes, and I didn't like it.
"Why did you force her to make Luke help that woman?" I sighed. I had many reasons for that and none of them were the ones I provided. "I will tell you but don't go running to my wife about it. I will tell her when the tis right." Nick nodded but I could tell he was not going to like what I was about to say.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt"That woman in there and I used to date." Nick didn't look as shocked as I thought he would. He just stared at me. so, I continued. "We dated for about a year until I brought her hto meet my uncle. I guess she liked him more than she claimed to love me. but she ended up leavingfor my uncle and six months later they got married." Still Nick kept his mouth shut. "I was hurt because she was the first person I loved after Olivia!" He furrowed his eyebrows. "I was keeping an eye on her while I finished my studies and getting training on the Walker companies and fortune. Then I heard she married you and I gave up and got serious with her. then she leftfor my uncle and that was that." I sighed finishing the rest of my beer. "I loved her, but I asked Luke to help because she seemed to genuinely love my uncle. They had a good life together and I am about to take that away from her. I don't want to take the man she loves as well. She deserves to be happy and so do you, Nick. I am sorry you can't have Olivia though." We laughed. "Then start treating her well. I lost her because I put Sandra first just like you are putting that woman's happiness first before hers. Her husband wronged Olivia and you are taking her side. Don't follow in my footsteps because it wont end well. She is finally happy, even if it is with you. don't hurt her like I did. She too, deserves to be happy." I thought about it, and he was right. I was doing exactly what he did. I didn't even see it and if he were someone else. He would have letdig my grave then helpbury myself in it. but he didn't. instead, he calledout on it. maybe he was changing.
"Thanks Nick." I told him then went back inside. I went straight to my wife and gave her a hug. I thought Nick was trying his nonsense again and using Samuel to get close to Olivia. But that was not the case. The man saw that I was hurting my wife, and he stepped in to ease the situation.
My wife seemed shocked as she didn't hugback for a while. "Am sorry." I whispered in her ear, and she finally huggedback. I sighed. "Can we talk?" I asked pulling out from the hug. She looked at Samuel. “I will not let him out of my sight." Luke said. He might not want to admit it. but he was changing too.
That cold heart of his was starting to warm. We walked to the room they slept in. "Am sorry, my love. I didn't mean to put her before you. I just thought losing the money was enough, I didn't see that I was doing what Nick did to you before until he pointed it out to me. Am sorry. It won't happen again and if you want to go htomorrow, then that is what we will do." She looked atwith teary eyes, fuck! Why didn't I see this, why didn't I see that I was repeating the past and hurting her the sway Nick did. What a fucking fool! I thought Nick was the worse yet, I was exactly like him.
"I want to go home." I nodded. "Then we go home. Please, next tcallout of my bullshit, I can't and don't want to repeat the events of the past. Forgive me." oh, what a moron I have been. "Tellwhat you want." "I want that woman gone." I didn't say a word, I went back inside, and my wife followed. "Please get your daughter and leave my house. You can drive yourself if you still remember how to because Jerry is gone.” I told her, she looked hurt. "Marcus...?" she called my nmore like she was questioning my intensions.
1/2 Chapter 163 +25 BONUS "Do you want to stay here? You are not here because I invited you. I still want nothing to do with you. so, please I assumed going to get Lilly. I leave my house." She looked atwith sad eyes then stood and walked past te then turned to my wife. "What else do you want?" she looked at her father and Luke frowned.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm
"No, whatever it is you want to say, better not have anything to do withor my men. They are here tom protectand the lot of you. they are not going anywhere until we leave London. Period." She pouted and I wanted to laugh so bad.
She said she didn't want Luke in her life but the way she was starting to respect him and not talk back when he was like that showedthat she was warming up to him. It's fine, my love. Just endure it for a couple of hours and we will be hand far away from your father and his men."
Luke glared at me. "I wonder what the hell my daughter fed you two, to be acting like morons all the time. You make morons You makesick!" he was just saying that, he secretly loved that we cared about his daughter or we wouldn't be here. Today's Bonus Offer