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Revenge After Divorce by Black Rose

Chapter 17
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Chapter 0017 OLIVIA Being back hfelt strange and familiar at the stime. Every room I entered filledwith nostalgia and vivid memories of my grandmother and I. The house was dirty and full of dust. Walls needed paint and floors needed to be scrubbed.

I roughly wiped my tears away as I cleaned. I have cried enough at the graveyard; it was tforto act now not to cry, a knock cthrough the door, and I went to open. May was standing on the other side of the door with a pretentious smile on her face.

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The woman must think I was still the snaïve Olivia from before. "Yes?" I said with a raised eyebrow. "Olivia, it's me, May." Did she really think I didn't know who she was? But I went along with her. "Oh, I couldn't recognise you, it's been so long." She pushedaside and went inside.

It annoyedbut I kept my mouth shut. "Goodness! This house needs a good scrubbing! I heard about your arrest, and I want you to know that I didn't believe a word they said. Media can be cruel but don't worry, I am here now." I rolled my eyes and went back to what I was doing. May liked acting like she had influence when the only thing she had was a craving for it.

She looked disappointed that I was ignoring her. "Anyway, was coming from work, and I saw that the gate was open here. I wanted to see who it was since your grandmother is no longer..." my glare made her stop talking and swallowing hard.

"Well, it's good to have you back. We should have dinner sometand don't worry, am buying." I wished she could just stop talking. Her voice was annoying, and her fake smiles madewant to puke. "I heard Sandra now lives in your hand is with your husband. Am sorry about that, you know speople can be cruel." I stopped what I was doing and looked at her. "Do I look like I care about any of that, tellMay, why exactly are you here? Fake smiles aside." She frowned. "My smile is not fake Olivia; I am genuinely concerned about you, but you are still the srude Olivia who thinks she is better than everyone else." She then stormed off. I went back to what I was doing without caring about May. I knew there was a reason for her coming. Sandra might have sent her or whatever, but she and her feelings were the least of my worries.

Another knock con the door, and I sighed. At first, I ignored it thinking it was May again. But the knock persisted. I dropped the broom annoyed and ready to give her a piece of my mind. But it wasn't May. It was my grandmother's friend and neighbour. The sone who buried her when I couldn't. 1 I teared up when I saw her, and she tookinto her arms rubbing my back. "I am so sorry, child." She kept saying as I cried. I invited her inside. "I would offer you tea grandma, but I have nothing here. I just moved in." she waved her hand.

"It doesn't matter child, I didn't chere for tea, I chere to talk about your grandmother." She then took out a card and gave it to me. it was my grandmother's bank card. "This belongs to you now; I don't know if there is money there or not but It didn't feel right keeping it. There might be enough to buy a few grocery items." I took it and thanked her. "Tellchild, what happened to you? the news said you stole millions from your husband, but I know you, Qlivia. You grew up right in front ofand you have always been a good girl." Her words warmed my heart, I hoped my grandmother felt the sway. "I was framed grandma; I never stole from my husband. I was arrested for something I didn't do and the person who turned him againstwas Sandra." The old woman's eyes widened in shock. "Olivia, the only Sandra I know is that friend of yours from school. The orphan girl your grandmother took care of." 1/2 +25 BONUS Chapter 0017 "The very sone, I don't know how she did it but she convinced my husband that I was evil and he believed her."

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"I am so sorry child, but your grandmother and I never doubted you for a second. But you know your grandmother's health was not good. Her blood pressure skyrocketed when she saw the news. It didn't help that she wasn't allowed to see you and was chased away from your husband's house by swoman. Could it have been Sandra who chased her away?"

My blood boiled, grandma went to Nick, and he let Sandra chase her away without talking to her? hown could he?" After that visit, reporters kept coming and hounding your grandma. She couldn't take it and one day she collapsed and was taken to the hospital."

She paused looking throughas if she was in deep thought. "Because she didn't have enough money to Ve stay longer in the hospital. She was sent back hand a month later she was gone." The pain I felt was unbearable. My chest burns and my heart broke into a million pieces. He let that woman chase my grandmother out of his house like a dog or a beggar. Nick is going to pay for what he did, and I was going to make sure he does.

Swallowing the lump in my throat I spoke. "Thank you for being there for her when I couldn't. for giving her a burial andan opportunity to say goodbye to her. I will find a way to repay your kindness, I swear it." "No child, I don't need to be repaid. Seeing you out of jail and back his repayment enough for me." Today's Bonus Offer