+25 BONUS Chapter 171 Chapter 171 UNKOWN She cback looking pleased with herself and a huge smile on her face. The moron thought it was all her doing when it was I who taught her how to act, what to do and not do. Who the hell did she think she was to cin here acting like she did more than just act a role I created for her "Would you stop smiling like a fool and tell us how it went?" she was beginning to annoy me, and we were not even halfway yet. I wished I could push that damned woman to make a decision so we could get to the good stuff already. "They loved me, they totally lovedand Olivia. Damn! That woman is beautiful. I almost told her that I was doing this because I wanted to be her, I wanted her life.
My frown deepened as I closed the short distance between us. "Listen here, you have not been picked yet and if I were you, I would focus on practicing and being the perfect girl in case they pick you. fooling Olivia will not be easy especially when you start living in her house and..." "I will live in her house?" she asked with so much excitement and I slapped her hands. "Focus! Knowing her, she will want you to live with them so that she can keep an eye on you and make sure everything goes well with the baby. You must learn to be Jeniffer, forget Anita and her likes, dislikes, everything. When they pick you, Anita will not exist and only Jeniffer will remain." She jumped up and down in excitement. "Anita can go to hell for all I care, I will be anyone she wantsto be if that means I will get to live in her house. Do you know where her house is? It must be in a very good. neighbourhood, I only got to see the pictures of the inside, was shown on a magazine." She looked so dreamy, the damn disgusting woman. "You will not get to live in the house If you don't get your act together. Right now, is not the tto celebrate when you still have a lot of work to do. I suggest you get to it." she frowned but left anyway. I sighed taking a seat. Olivia, better do everything the way I want.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtDon't be unpredictable now, everything depends on you acting exactly the way you aways do. Don't change now or you ruin everything. I thought as I took a seat looking out into the back yard dreaming of the day I would get my life back TWO WEEKS LATER.
"Tellnow!" I was seething with anger; two weeks had passed and no word from the clinic. The only logical explanation there could be that the moron failed to act the way I taught her. "I swear, I didn't do anything wrong, they lovedwhen they met me. I did everything exactly the way you taught me; you have to believe me." She was now crying, yet I didn't do anything to her, did she want to live in her house that much that she would cry like that? well, it didn't matter, our plans were ruined because of whatever she did in that damned interview. Before I could say anything, her phone rang, and she jumped and went to pick it up.
"Yes, I understand, yes, I will be there. Thank you." I watched her closely with my fingers literally crossed hoping it was the call we had been waiting for the past two weeks. After dropping the call, she squealed like a pig in excitement.
"I told you; I did nothing wrong. They asked to seetomorrow morning. If all goes well, the insemination will take place in two days' time, then I will go and live with Olivia and that handshusband of hers." A smile formed on my lips, creature of habit you are, Olivia and that will be your downfall.
I walked to the window and looked out. The day seemed to brighten at the news, and I thanked my lucky stars for being withthis time. “Is there something else I need to know before meeting her again?" "What's your name?" she lowered her head before answering, she looked like one of those timid women. Jennifer" I nodded. "Good, you have learned well, it's almost tfor you to put what you have learned into +25 BONUS Chapter practice. If you do a good job. By this tnext year, we will be rich." She smiled widely.
God! She learned well but that horrible smile of hers still remained. I gave her my back looking back at the garden. The door opened and the aunt walked in. “I heard the good news." I didn't turn to her, hers and her nieces work was going to be done soon. Then it would be my turn to play.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏmIf all goes according to my plan, I will have everything Olivia has and more.
"Everything is going according to plan; we just have to wait a little while longer." She cand myside and Nfrowned. "No need to mysiderand and stood bym stand this close, you know I dont like people this close to me. please move." I did like people close to me, but she was not one of those people.
I was using her, and she should know and not forget her place. She quickly moved away. "Sorry, so what's next?" Oh Lord, what part of need to know didn't they understand? "As I said, I will let you both in on the plan when the tis right and when it is required." " She nodded and continued to stand behind me. which pissedoff. I took deep breaths trying to calm myself down and not show my irritation. "You never toldwhy you are doing this to that woman?" I couldn't hold myself anymore.
I swiftly turned and glared at her.
"Let's get something clear here, you m don't need to know about ̧myo M persona Nife, why I want to do this or what happened, how I know her, nothing. You do your part, and I will do mine and deliver on my promise." Chapter 172