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Revenge After Divorce by Black Rose

Chapter 178
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Chapter 178 OLIVIA I didn't know what had cover my husband, but he was ruining our day. Since when did he care about what Nick said? He knew the kind of person he was, so, why was he entertaining him, or did Nick's confession bother him so much that he would act that way? 1 didn't know what to think.

"Babe, leave him be or better yet. Let's go home." He threw my hand off. “Leavealone, Olivia. I am still talking to your ex here who seems to think that he has a say in our marriage. Well, why wouldn't be when you give him the opportunity to act that way?" what the hell was going on with this man? "Enough! Marcus, since when do you care what Nick says or does? Why don't you focus on your wife and let Nick be? You don't have to entertain him, but you are and doing more than he is. Why would you treat your wife that and in public? What are you thinking man?" Ethan intervened. I was fed up and ready to get back home.

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I was angry but I wasn't about to show Nick that and give him the satisfaction that he had won in coming between us. I didn't know why Marcus was letting him. Nick confessed his love to me, but that was not something new. We all knew that was how he felt. Why did it bother him so much now? I stood. "I am going hnow, and I would like for you to cwith me, that is if you want to." He hung his head low before sighing and getting up from his chair. "This is why I told your wife that if she wanted to cback home, I will be waiting. You have her and yet you act like a moron. It's like you want to lose her." I threw glare at Nick, and he kept his mouth shut.

Marcus did not respond, thank God! I was getting tired of their bickering. The drive back hwas a silent one, I didn't know what was going through that thick skull of his, but I was not about to fight with him. I wanted him to think about what happened and how he reacted. Maybe he was going to see how wrong he was.

Getting home, I went straight to our room and showered. When I got out, Marcus was sitting on the bed. I didn't say anything to him as I lotioned and changed my clothes into more comfortable ones. I headed towards the door and just before I walked out, he spoke. "Am sorry." I stood there with my back on him waiting for him to continue.

"Ever since I heard you and Nick talking. I have been scared I have been terrified that you will leaveand go back to him. I have been terrified that you will choose him and leave me. I have been terrified that I was going to lose you. I don't know what to do Olivia, I love you so much but when it comes to Nick, I can't help but feel like I don't measure up." Why the hell would he want to measure up to Nick? Something was definitely wrong with the man. "Why would you want to measure up to Nick? Financially you two are at the slevel, looks and everything else. Please don't tellthat this measuring up is you being a jerk like he is, because if it's that then you are doing a pretty good Job acting like him." I walked out, now my anger was rising. We were about to bring a baby into the world, and he was acting like we were still dating and not married. Busy worrying about people who don't matter in our relationship instead of the good that was happening.

"Am sorry, Olivia. I am a fool in love and scared to death to lose his wife. I don't know but what he said got I got toand scared me. now that I have you, I am constantly in fear that one day you will realize that I am not the man for you and leave." 1 turned to him making him almost bump into me. "How many times must I tell you that I am not going back to Nick? If I wanted him, I would have gone back to him already. Why would I go through all the trouble of marrying you only to go back to him? it makes no sense and the next tyou treatthat way. It doesn't matter if it's in public or private. You will see what am capable of. You will not treatthe sway Nick did, I refuse to have that kind of life again." 1/2 +25 BONUS Chapter 170 I left him standing there, what the hell was he thinking? Treatinglike that in front of our friends. I clicked my tongue in anger. How dare he? He knew the kind of man Nick was, he said all those things to get a reaction out of him and he gave him exactly what he wanted.

He cand huggedfrom behind. "Please love, forgive his fool of a husband. He only got jealous and that is why he acted foolishly. I am sorry." I sighed.

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"I want to tell Nick about Samuel." He removed his hands on my waist, and I turned to look at him he was was angry e Samuel and I are starting to get along well. He even callsdad now. You want to tell Nick now that he is his son? Do you realize that we will have to deal with him often and he might even move back here. Is that what you want?'

He wasn't jealous, he just didn't trustaround Nick, I could see that now. "Is this about you and SamuePom aboutand Nick?" he sighed running his hand through his head. "I am not ready yet, can we wait a little while longer before telling him."

I looked at him trying to figure out just what the hell was happening to my husband. I, I didn'know if what he sband. I said was how he felt but his behaviour was starting to scarea little. "It's fine, we can wait.' Chapter 179