Chapter 179 NICK "You shouldn't have done that man; it was wrong, and you know it." Ethan tried to talk ssense intobut there was nothing wrong with me, I was just fighting for what was mine and Marcus was doinga favour acting like a jerk. Getting her back was going to be easier than I thought. All he must do was continue acting like the moron he is, and I will have my wife back I might have not liked the way he treated her but at the stime, I was glad he showed his true colours for Olivia to see. I thought the man was good but that doesn't seem to be the case. “Nick, I am warning you, Olivia is happy with Marcus, she loves him, don't do anything to ruin what they are trying to build." Ethan was starting to pissoff. "Whose best friend are you, mine or Marcus's?" Ethan chuckled. "I might be your best friend, but you know very well that I am not the type to foolishly support you when you do something wrong. Right now, you are hurting the mother of your..." he stopped himself just in tbefore he could finish. "Go ahead, finish what you were saying." I watched him closely waiting for him to do something that would tellthat what he said was the truth. He just sighed. “Look at you looking and taking everything literally. All of us consider Samuel ours. He calls Marcus's dad just like he callsthat. we call him our son, you are too. I have heard you a couple of times. So, what is wrong insaying your son now?" I watched him as he spoke, but he didn't waver, he kept his eyes onand even looked bored. I must have been reading too much into what he said. "Fine, I will go back to Summer Strand. But I will be back. Whether it will be to cfor Olivia or just to visit. Will depend on Marcus." I walked way feeling happy.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtOlivia rushed into that marriage with Marcus, and she was starting to see it now. That Marcus she married was not the boy she knew back in high school; this was a businessman with skeletons in his closet just like the rest of us. Fortunately, he can't hide who he really is forever.
All I had to do was wait for him to show us all who he is and then take back what's mine. He was a good guy, granted but he was as good as any of us can be. We were not completely clean. "Nick, please man. Let her be happy, you had your chance with her, and you blew it. give her a chance to be happy as well. Don't do anything, stay in Summer Strand, find someone, but don't cback here and cause trouble for them.” Wow, Ethan has really changed, now he was friends with Marcus and wantedto stay away because it made his friend uncomfortable. I chuckled mockingly, yeah, things really do change as tgoes by, even with the closest of friends.
"You don't have to worry my friend, I will leave and not cback to bother your new best friend." I got into my car and drove off. he was makingsick; he thought I didn't know that he too was looking for a chance to take Olivia from Marcus and havingfar away gave him a better chance of winning.
My phone rang and it was Luke, why the hell would he be calling me. "Luke" heard him sigh on the other end of the line. "What did I say when you left here, Nick?" oh wow he still had bugs on her. "It's creepy to have bugs on your daughter like that, what about her privacy?" he chuckled.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm"Her privacy ended the moment you went after her, what was that anyway? Confessing your love to her giving her the option to cback to you, what the hell is that?" I chuckled. "I told you I wanted what was mine back. I told you I need her to know that coming back towas an option that will always be there." I knew nobody understoodor my reasons, but what can a man do when he is in love? I will wait for my wife to chooseagain, but it didn't mean I was going to take it easy on Marcus. I wanted for him to be on his toes every tI am around New Village, I wanted him to know and feel that his could go back to her true husband any time.
He stole her from me, and I was going to get her back. "Boy you better cback here before I have my people bring you back. From now on, you will not set foot in New Village without me. It seems I am going to have to be +25 BONUS Chapter 179 your shadow because killing you won't feel as nice as it would have been back when I hated your guts."
I chuckled, we were getting along very well lately, and I wanted to keep it that way. The man was busy trying to build a father daughter relationship with my mother and my father is dead. All I have now is Luke and I wouldn't want us to be on bad terms again.
He calledson, for sreason that gotearing up. He calledson, the lost person who calledthat and so affectionately. was my father. It will be alright, boy, give it time." He did it again, It was like my father was comfortingthrough him. I stopped the car on the side of the road and lowered my head onto the steering wheel and let my tears fall God! I missed him.