Chapter 185 Chapter 185 MARCUS I couldn't believe what I was hearing, so, she decided to tell Nick about Samuel. She even called him her son's real father, like I was nothing but a replacement. I saw how tired she was, and I went to call the masseuse, I had booked for her, Lupita, grandma and Jennifer.
I wanted them to relax and be pampered. She and I had a long way to go when the baby arrived. I wanted to spoil her now before all our twas taken by the baby. I guess, she was eager for her and Nick to get back together. Maybe I was just wasting my ttrying to show her that only wanted to be with her.
1 turned back without saying a word going straight to our room. I laid down staring at the celling as if it was going to providewith answers or great wisdom on how to deal with what was happening. I didn't know how long I laid there for when the door opened.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtMy beautiful wife walked in, and I could not help but take in the sight of her, she looks radiant but the look in her eyes was distant and sad. What could Nick have said to make her sad like that. didn't the man get enough of abusing her? Tsk! What did I know? She wanted to go back to him even with everything the man has put her through, I guess whoever said that love is blind was right. But I loved the woman with all my heart. How could I just sit back and watch her suffer like that? "Why did you call Nick?" she glanced at me, no emotion whatsoever on her face. "Why did I find you tickling that woman when you promised to keep your distance and adhere to normal boundaries of a married man?" Okay, I didn't expect that, did I maybe cause this? I sat up. She wanted to eat an unhealthy sandwich when I found her. I offered to cook her something healthy and that is how this whole thing started. We didn't plan it. we were talking and it ended up there. I am sorry..." She cutshort. "Your apologies are beginning to sound exactly like Nick's, they don't change anything but makeangry. We spoke about this before and you apologized and promised it was never going to happen again. But instead, it accelerated. Now you are playing together like old friends." The issue might be deeper than I thought, what was going on with my wife, did I do this, did I make her this way? I patted the place next to me. "Chere." She hesitated but eventually cand sat down. "Tellwhat is going on?" for the first tsince I have known her, she glared at me.
Which gotextremely worried. "Didn't we talk about keeping clear boundaries with her? you promised that you would but now this?" I would have to tread lightly here; she was mad and disappointed at the stime. "We did talk about it, but we didn't do anything wrong, love." "That's how it started with Nick and Sandra. Innocent little things, cooking together, spending more ttogether then next thing I know, I am neglected, misunderstood, not loved or cared for. I have been through it all." My heart ached. She was comparingwith Nick.
Was I doing what he did? "I didn't know you felt that way." She chuckled. “How could you have known when you no longer talk to me, askhow my day was, if everything is okay with me." did I really stop doing all that? I didn't even notice.
Maybe she was right, maybe I was too excited about the baby that all my attention got focused on Jennifer and neglected my wife and son. Was that why she called Nick? To tell him about Samuel because I was failing as his father." That stung, I never thought I would be like my father. I was neglected to a point that I didn't even know the mar 1/2 Chapter 185.
+25 BONUS existed. He was never in my life and only in his death he thight of me: As If the money he leftmade up for all the lost time.
"I won't apologize because I have done that already then continued to hurt you. It was not my intention, but it happened anyway. It hurts to know that I am not different from Nick who I thought was beneath me. I thought I was a better man, but it turns out. I am exactly like him." stood and faced my wife. This woman was about to makea father, something I never thought I would have as every woman I have met me, married ПE has been after my money and nothing more. They never lovedfor me, but she did. She chose but and now was about to makea father.
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Why was I failing her, my family? "This time, I will let my actions speak for themselves. You must be tired of the apologies then nothing changes. I will do better; I will do right by you and our family. Also, you can tell Nick about his son, I am failing him as a father and maybe Nick will do better." I kissed her forehead and walked out of the room with a heavy heart. What has gotten into me? why was I sabotaging my marriage, was my wife and son not enough. What else could a man possibly want that would be better than this? Nothing would ever compare though, that I knew.
I went and stood on the backyard. "Marcus," I stiffened, what the hell was she doing there, I needed talone to think and there she was. "Yes," I answered still with my back on her. "My feet hurt, could you please massage them for me?" I chuckled.
This was why Olivia didn't trust me; she was makinglook bad to my wife and I didn't know what she was hoping to gain by that. I turned to look at her, she was pouting a little. I wondered where that timid girl went.
"My wife's feet hurt more than yours do, she was working the whole day, and she is tired. You were resting here the whole day with everyone in E the house doing things for you. if your feet hurt, go and run yourself a bath and relax in there. You can do that, right?"