Chapter 190 OLIVIA I have tried, the Lord knows, I have tried. I have tried to keep the promise I made to my husband for the sake of our child. I have tried to be brave, to endure but it's too difficult. Each day I see less and less of my husband. Each day lose a part of me, a part of my marriage, my happines I feel like I was never meant to be happy in this world. At least not with someone by myside, maybe my destiny Is to remain alone, rasing my kids and working to make a life for them. One that will be way better than the one I had. Maybe I should just give up on love and focus on those who needthe most. My kids.
I have desperately tried to love, first it was Nick, I gave hiny all and he betrayed me. Now Marcus, the man is doing the most for the woman who cinto my has a nobody, just carrier for my child but now seems to own my home. My house no longer feels like hand I myself not wanting to go back at the end of the day.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtI used to look forward to going hbut now being htorture. How do I keep watching my husband being overly friendly with another woman? It didn't look or feel like he was acting anymore. He comes to bed late at night and leave very early in the morning.
By the tI wake up, the space he slept on is already cold as if he was never there, only the messed up blankets providedwith the comfort that he at least stayed by my side for a couple of hours. I sighed opening the car door and getting out. I have been sitting in the car in front of the house for over an hour now contemplating on whether to go in or not. I walk to the door and the first thing I hear is her loud laughter that filled my house. She is the lady of the indeed, for her to be that comfortable. I worry about my son for now, he has a depressed mother who only works to keep her mind off things. I keep telling myself that it won't be long until the baby is born but the days seem to drag long, making the months even longer.
I twisted the door knob and walked in. "Am hI announced myself with a low voice hoping they will hear and stop whatever they are doing so I don't see it. It hurts too much to see him doing things for her that he should be doing for me. Like giving her a foot rub. As usual, none of them notice my presence. Jennifer has her feet on Marcus's lap and they are watching TV with one of Marcus's hand on the arm rest and the other on her foot. A sigh left me, tension gathered on my chest.
I walked away to my room and took off my shoes. Marcus walks in and giveshis usual smile. Like he didn't really want to cgreet me. "My love, I am sorry you are having such a hard twith this. But we are almost there. Hang in there a little while longer." That has bechis thing now, every tI cfrom work, he gets away from her and comes to our room and tellthat. Then kiss my forehead and leaves. It's like he can't stand to touchanymore. He doesn't kissor hug me. I asked him about that once but he changed the subject and walked away. I never asked again.
He turns to leave but i grab his hand to make him stop. "Is this our lives now?" I questioned, he lowers his head looking everywhere but me. He is ashamed, I can tell. "Am hurting baby, my breaks every tI have had to cback to this house. It no longer feels like a hanymore, it's cold and depressing. Even our son can feel it." My poor boy, he hardly makes any noise or go out of his room anymore. If he is not at school then he is in his room. Ethan tries but I can tell he is depressed. I can't even help him because I need help myself. Don't ask what kind of help, I just know am not coping. "I have to go." He says then frees himself frombefore walking away. Stupid Oliver, I thought you said you were giving up. This has happened many times and yet. You still have hope that things will change.
I wipe my tears with the back of my hand and take off my shoes. The door opens and I lift my head to look. My heart skipped a beat thinking it was my husband coming to comfortfor a change. But no, it was the witch coming to rub salt to my wounds.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm1/2 +25 BONUS Chapter 190
"I am going to say this one last tOlivia, I don't like Marcus coming to your room. You must understand Tuyou that he is withnow and I am pregnant. I don't need this stress. My blood boiled. "Jennifer, this is still my house and Marcus is still my husband. He has right to cinto this room." She scoffs folding her arms. "You like being pitiful, you know that? Give up already and just leave Divorce Marcus and leave us in peace." I can't believe she said that.
She wantsto willingly leave my husband for her. The weman has no shame, how can I misjudge her like this, what blindedso much that I didn't her for who she is. A snake. "Am not leaving my husband, you can forget that."
She smiled atbut it's the creepy kind and then she said it. "I bet I can m ask Marcus to Divorce you before this baby is born and have you out of this house." She tilted her head to the side like a demented person. "Wanna bet?"