Chapter 200 Chapter 200 NICK As if I wasn't hurting enough, Olivia went and kickedin the gut. I felt the air in my lungs leftand I was left gasping for air and struggling to breathe. My chest not only tightened but the pain in it madefeel like my world was spinning. Just how much did Olivia hate me? The ground beneathfelt like it was shifting, and I felt myself falling. "Nick! Are you alright?" I could hear Olivia's voice, but I was hearing it from far. I didn't know what was happening, all I knew was that my chest hurt. The pain was so intense that it blinded me, makingweak and unable to focus on anything else.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtFive years I have lost with my son because of what I did. The more I thought of that the more intense the pain became. I don't know what happened next but when I woke up, I was in a ward on a hospital bed. The events of earlier cback and my chest tightened with tension gathering all over.
I did say that Samuel was my son, but Ethan convincedthat he wasn't. The doctors I trusted, everyone made a fool of me. Was I that bad of a person that everyone would hide my own son from me. that they would think he was better off without me? Dear Lord, I pray for a chance to make things right, and I pray for redemption.
"Nick, you are awake." Mother, I wondered who called her. What happened?" I didn't feel like talking I was beyond sad. I wanted to blOlivia for everything but what right did I have to blher? I took so much from her and the five years she took from my son were nothing compared to what I took from her.
"Nick, are you in pain, do you wantto call the doctor, is it your heart?" mother fired one question after another. I didn't feel like talking. My heart was breaking as sat there. Why did I even believe that he was not mine when he looked so much like me? Why was I so stupid to be fooled like that? all the women in my life have fooled me. mother, about her family. Sandra about everything else and now Olivia about my own blood. "Nick Jones!" I slowly turned to look at my mother. "Talk to me, you are worrying me." I felt her pain, at least she got to be withuntil I grew up.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏmI missed a lot of things with my son. "Samuel is my son." She said nothing but looked atas If I suddenly grew horns. "Nick, you will have another child, all you have to do is meet someone, get married and have children. You don't have to bother Olivia and her son. It's enough now my son." 1 chuckled. Even my own mother thought I was a nuisance. Way to go Nick. "No, mother, I mean Samuel really is my son. Olivia toldnot so long ago. I guess the news shockedso much that I passed out. But am fine now." my mother looked atfor a while without saying anything She sat on the visitor chair and just kept looking at me. I didn't have tto entertain her, I had my own issues to deal with. My son was busy calling other men father while he didn't even know what I was. To him, I was a stranger who meant nothing. That alone killed me..
"I now get what people mean when they say we reap what we sow. Olivia hiding your son from you is the result of everything you did to her. I am hurt that I didn't get to know my grandson because of that and everything I did to his mother as well. We are not good people my son. Maybe at spoint we were but we lost sight of what was right and went astray. This is the price we pay for that." Mother's words hurt me, I didn't know if it was because she has no faith inor that she didn't believe I was a good person anymore. How would Olivia and my son seein a different light then if my own mother sawas a bad person.
"I get it mom, I am a bad person that my son is growing up calling strangers father, while I his father he sees as the stranger. It is all my fault I know that you don't have to calla bad person. Lalready know that I am but hearing you say those words pains me." +25 BORUS Chapter 200
е A lone tear escaped my mother's eyes rolling down her cheek until it dropped on her chest. "I never said you were a bad person, Nick. But we did do bad things to Olivia at spoint. That doesn't make us good people son. We have to first admit our mistakes and change then we can call ourselves good people. I understand why Olivia hid him from you.
She was not helping at all. I didn't even know why she came. Well, if she didn't then who would have been sitting on my bedside when I woke was up? Olivia was never going to do that. "I am giving up on Olivia, I am going to let her live her life in peace. I know I said that before, but it was before I knew the extent of her pain and what she was willing to do to getfar away from her and out of her life”
Mother wiped her tears. "She was your great love, I know, and you will never find one like her again. But letting her go is the best thing you' can do so. Por her, she deserves to heal from the wounds of the past. You being around her all the tand claiming to want her back is not helping. She is no longer yours to claim or to keep anymore. Try to forget her my son and heal as well."