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Revenge After Divorce by Black Rose

Chapter 201
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Chapter 201 OLIVIA +25 BONUS Two months have passed since the incident with Nick. He Has not left New Village but also keeping his distance, The man has not asked to see his son after I accidentally told him. yes, Samuel was not around, but he could have asked when he was coming back but he has not. He has not ven visited my father in my house since. He would call my dad, and they would meet somewhere but he never sets foot in my house. It's not that I am complaining, it's just weird not having him around when I was getting used to seeing him every the was around. Maybe I should be thanking my lucky stars that he finally got the message and is staying away from me. Then there is Jennifer, she was now seven months pregnan Two more months to go and we would be free from her, she was now behaving after coming back from the hospital. Now the roles have reversed. She doesn't demand things now; my husband is the one doing things for Iter. I don't know If he got used to doing them or what.

He is always concerned about her, asking if she was alright, if she needed anything, craved anything. It's annoying and I am trying my utmost best to understand but sometimes I just don't. I don't know what Marcus's problem is and I don't have the energy to fight with him.

I asked him before, and he said he was concerned about the baby not the woman carrying the baby. But I felt he was doing too much and at the stime. I don't want to keep complaining as if I am not grateful that she was carrying my child for me. I just want her to give birth already so I can have my family back.

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Now that Marcus is not forced to do anything for her, he is willingly running around for her as if he was her husband and not mine. I wont lie, the whole thing hurts. But then again, who am I to be greedy, to want everything? I am not able to carry my child and yet I still want my husband to treatlike I am the pregnant one. I selfish, I think. I just wish my heart can understand that and work with me. stop being jealous and petty.

am being To understand and let things play out. "I am going to the shops, do any of you need anything?" Marcus turned to look at me, he is watching tv, the sshow she likes. He used to act like he didn't like the show and now he is watching it willingly and even puts it on himself.

Yeah, you think you know someone. “I don't need anything, Jennifer, is there something you need from the shops so Olivia can bring for you?" I frowned, why did he feel the need to ask her himself. I asked both of them and if she wanted something she would have said so.

"I just need more ice cream, when I checked last night there wasn't any left." I tilted my head slightly to the side. Watching her pretending to be all sweet as if we don't know the kind of person she is already. "Marcus, could you please massage my feet? They are swollen and they hurt." I didn't wait to hear what his response was.

I walked out the door and left for the shops. Maybe I will call my dad for us to have lunch together, at least he is still givingattention and makefeel loved and cared for. I miss my son so much, but I am afraid to bring him and grandma home.

I don't know how long the nice Jennifer will be around for. I don't want my family feeling unwelcomed in their own hbecause of her ever again. When got to the shops, I did my shopping then went and put everything in the trunk.

"You have been too depressed Olivia; why don't you spoil yourself?' a massage will do the trick and maybe a few items of clothing while at it. a smile formed on my lips. I have been too depressed to take care of myself. I let myself go, its tfor the oldto surface.

the Maybe my husband will look atagain. With that thought in mind I got into the car and drove myself to mall. I started with shopping and getting a few clothing items for myself, then I went to do my nails then it was a 172 Chapter 201 full body massage.

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+20 BONUS With everything done, I was feeling refreshed like I can face anything. If Marcus doesn't look ateven now, then I will know the problem is not withbut him. who knows, he might even like Jennifer now.

I texted my dad to meetfor lunch at the restaurant not far from iny place. I want to eat good food have a glass of wine and good conversations with my dad. Then have hin drivehome. Good plan!

I went to the parking lot and got to my car then drove off. tfor good food and good company. Just when I hit the highway after joining traffic, my phone rang in my bag look to check if it it safe forto take it and it was. I leaned over to the passenger seat to grab it from my bag. must be my dad wanting to know where I am. One thing I love about him is that he never keepswaiting. He must already be close to the restaurant now.

I hear a horn just as I was getting back up with my phone in hand. When I looked up a truck was coming straight at me. I look to my side and that is when I realized that I moved to the other lane and am now facing oncoming traffic.

I tried to think fast and swayed trying to get away from the truck and back in my lane but there was already While I was another car close when I entered my lane, and it hiton the side and my car started spinning. Jane. shocked and scared. The truck, I was running from hiton the corner and my car span back to my I didn't know what else happened, but I am now seeing things upside down and there is this dripping sound I am hearing. It keeps wakingup.