Chapter 222 MARCUS +25 BONUS I could see the anger on Luke's face, but it didn't matter. Amile spread across my own face, though it wasn't because of anything he'd done. It was simply because he was here. I didn't care how intimidating he looked, glaring atfrom across the room. I was happy he came. was relieved my wife hadn't changed her mind. And most importantly, I was glad my baby was going to her mom.
Luke's anger didn't matter in that moment. What was his anger compared to the joy I felt just by his presence? I knew it was selfish, but what could I do? I was a father now and my daughter needed a mother. And there was no one better than Luke's daughter and my wife. Olivia. I both wanted the best for our little girl.
Luke would have to forgivefor my selfishness and find way to be the grandfather to mine and Olivia's child. He walked further into the room, each step deliberates and measured, as thought he was approaching an enemy or hunting prey, trying not to alert them to his presence. It we almost comical. How could he move like that when it was obvious he was already here, and everyone could see him? When he finally reached me, he stood there, scanning the room. I could tell he was looking for the baby, who was peacefully sleeping on my chest.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtSince he didn't ask about her, I decided to uncover her. As soon as I did, he took a step back, almost as if he were startled or afraid of what he saw. I couldn't help but wonder, was she really that frightening to him? Could Nick have been right when he called her a rat? "I don't think that thing should leave; it might not make it, he said, taking several steps back, his voice tinged with uncertainty. The big bad wolf, Grandpa Luke, was practically retreating, doing everything he could to hide how rattled he was. It was hard not to laugh, here was a man who feared nothing, yet he was backing away from a tiny baby.
Seeing him like this was definitely unexpected. Nick couldn't hold it in any longer and burst out laughing, clutching his stomach as he bent over. I couldn't help but hide my smile; I knew I was still in trouble with Luke. "If I'd known the rat was going to scare you this much, I would've taken my tgetting ready at home," Nick teased through his laughter. “Hell, I could've cooked and eaten it instead of rushing here." Luke shot Nick a glare, but it was futile. Nick was right. The man was afraid. "Nick, stop being a clown and let the doctors examine her... everyone out, now!" Luke snapped, struggling to find words to describe my daughter.
As for me, I couldn't see anything but a tiny human a perfect little being. But I couldn't wait until she was older, growing up and demanding everything from Luke. I just knew she was going to have him wrapped around her little finger, and there wouldn't be a thing he could do to escape her.
Nick and I remained in the ward as the doctors, those Luke had brought in and the ones from the hospital who'd been handling my daughter's case, gathered around. They took her from me, carefully placing her on the bed and starting their examination.
But something felt off. I didn't like how sof the doctors seemed rough with her. She was so small, so fragile, how could they just handle her so carelessly? Nick had already had to holdback twice when I nearly lunged at one of the doctors for being too rough. How could they treat her like that? "You better let these doctors do their jobs if you want them to approve her leaving. Or you can kiss your dream of her being raised by Olivia goodbye," Nick said, and I hated that he was right. I was used to the old, reckless Nick- the one who always seemed to be making mistakes, but this rational, sensible version was a whole new experience for me.
And I'll admit, I kind of liked him that way... sometimes. The other times, I wished I had never met him. He could P25 BONUS be so damn annoying when he wanted to be.
"Do you think you guys will leave immediately?" Nick aske, glancing atwith a raised eyebrow.
"Why would you ask that? Did you change your mind about sending her off to her mother?” I asked, quickly shaking my head. "That's not it, man." "Then what is it?" Nick asked, now clearly not happy with the, and for good reason.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm“I just feel like it's too soon," I admitted, a slight unease bubbling up in my chest. “I thought I'd get to see her grow; you know? See her develop and beca proper, normal baby.
I chuckled a little, trying to shake off the weight of it all.
"This is best for her. I know that. It's just... goodbyes were never my thing. I hate saying them. It always makesfeel like I'll never see the person again if I say goodbye."
Nick tilted his head to the side looking at me. he had this funny look on his face as if he was looking lat smoron. You don't like goodbyes yet people long to say goodbye to their loved ones when they die. So, you prefer your loved ones to die without saying goodbye.
I glared at him, wondering why I even thought he was sensible now. "You know that is not what meant, you tis e can be amoron sometimes and I can wonder why we even get along these days." Nick said nothing but he got so closer tothat I took a step back. "Stop moving, I want to whisper something to you." I stopped.
I was not in a good mood especially now that it was conformed that my daughter was leaving. She was the oply family had left. "I want to know how you feel about the fact that I am leaving with the rat, and you are staying behind?" the smirk on the man's madepunch him on the side. “That's ho mmMwWLlilofiflo&1 mmMwWLlilofiflo&1 mmMwWLlilofiflo&1 mmMwWLlilofiflo&1 mmMwWLliIofifl0&1 mmMwWLlilofiflo&1