Chapter 224 OLIVIA My dad called this moming to informthat the doctors had approved the baby for travel. I was relieved that everything had gone well, until he mentioned that Nick would be returning with him. The news didn't sit well with me, but then he explained that Nick wasn't coming for me; he was coming for his son, Samuel.
As much as I didn't want Nick anywhere near ine, I couldn't deny that he was still Samuel's father. I couldn't keep my son from his father any longer. Nick had the right to be with his son, especially now that he seemed to have cto his senses and wasn't threateningfor no reason anymore.
However, our conversation was overheard by none other than Xander, who Ethan had been keeping a close eye on. Ethan made it clear that he wasn't going to let Xander take Marcus's place. What he didn't know, though, was that I had no intention of being with anyone other than my husband.
I might have left him after everything that happened, but that didn't mean I didn't want to go back to him. He was still my husband, and I still loved him. We were going to work on our marriage and fix things, but I needed tto cto terms with everything that had happened.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtBesides, after everything I'd been through these past few months, I needed a break from it all, including my husband.
"Are you tellingyou have another child? A newborn? Why the hell did you leave her behind?" Xander asked, his voice full of disbelief.
I wanted to laugh, really. He had no idea what the situation was, but he wasn't having it. "It's a long story. All I can tell you is that I had to leave, and the baby had to stay. But she's coming tonow." He frowned, still thinking Ethan was my husband, judging by how overprotective he was. I didn't correct him. "So, who is this Nick guy your father is coming with?" I couldn't help but laugh at this point. The man was relentless. “Nick is my ex-husband." His frown deepened, and I could almost see the wheels turning in his head, thinking I had a complicated life. "Why is he coming here? What business does he have here? "No, no, my man. That's none of your business," I said, finally drawing a line. "What gives you the right to ask about my family's business?" It was about tEthan showed up. He was like my shadow and I could feel his presence as soon as he entered. He wasn't about to letdisappear again.
"Do you not see a problem with this?" Xander asked, clearly unable to fathom what was happening. "Her ex- husband is coming here. Aren't you a little concerned about that?" Xander must have thought we were skind of weird family, and honestly, we were.
"Nick happens to be my friend," Ethan said, his tone calm but firm. "Why would I be concerned about him coming here? In fact, I'm glad he's coming. You should stay out of things you don't understand. It will help you sleep better at night." Ethan wasn't making it easy on the poor guy, but I couldn't say I minded.
I also didn't know what Xander thought was going to happen between us. His intentions were clear, he was the type of man who went after what he wanted. That was part of why Ethan kept such a close watch on him.
Chapter 224 #26 BONUS "I'm starting to feel like none of you deserve this wonderful woman," Xander said, his voice firm. "Between you and your buddy, you both think she's something to play with, but here's the thing you seem to forget: she's the kind of woman you can't afford to lose." Ethan closed the gap between them, and for a moment, the two men were glaring at each other. I rolled my eyes in annoyance. I was standing right there, yet they were talking aboutas if I wasn't even present. But Xander had a point. Nick and Marcus did think I would always be around don't think either of them had ever considered that 1 might not be.
Now, with Nick coming over, I knew he wanted to build a relationship with his son. But part ofcouldn't help but think he was also coming for me. I couldn't shake the feeling that he might try to use the absence of Marcus as an opportunity to get back together. That was the kind of man Nick was, stubborn, used to getting whatever he wanted.
"Glare atall you want, but if you guys had taken care of her like you should have, she wouldn't be here. She'd be with him and the kids, not traveling across the world. I'm sure she did that to get away from either you or that Nick guy," Xander continued. Poor Ethan was taking the heat from a stranger. "Xander, that's enough." Ethan frowned, looking atas if he couldn't understand why I'd side with him while he was defending me. "How could you just let them.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏmI cut him off. "I'm not letting anyone do anything. Right now, I'm doing what I want. This is a family matter, and I don't think it's appropriate for you to get involved." I turned to Ethan, who had a smirk on his face. Stupid man! "Where's Samuel?" I asked.
Ethan pointed toward Lupita's room. I started walking in that direction, but I overheard Xander's voice again. If you're not careful with her heart, a real man will calong and take her away from you. He'll show her just how wonderful she is and love her in a way that makes her forget about you." A smile tugged at my lips as I thought of Marcus saying those exact words to Nick once, before he tookaway from him. Damn, I missed my husband.
He must be going crazy wherever he was, trying to find ways to reach me, to convinceto cback hto him. Maybe he was planning to remindof how much he loved me. I missed everything about him, but deep down, I needed him to realize that I couldn't keep giving when he didn't appreciateenough. He had takenfor granted, never considering my needs in the moment I needed him most. I needed to know that I, and our family, cfirst to him. If I couldn't be sure of that, then there was no point in us staying married.
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