Chapter 0049 NICK "Dad, I..." he shook his head with a disappointed look in his face. "You took that boy from his mother, didn't you?" I said nothing. “Damnit Nick, didn't you learn anything from what is happening betweenand your sister? Why would you do something like this?" "Because Olivia is not a good role model for my son." Fall scoffed. “And you are?" I kept quiet, at least I was better than Olivia. "Nick, this will further drive a wedge between you and the mother of your child. Is that what you want? For your son to be torn between you and his mother, what do you think he will say one day when his mother tells him that you kidnap hhn and took him away from her just because you could?" I still said nothing, but I knew one thing. Olivia brought all that to herself. "Do you think we don't want a relationship with our grandson? We do but we were giving Olivia time. We wronged her for you, and we want her to be the one to reach out and let us see him. You wronged her too but instead of making things right for the sake of your son. You go and do this." I was tired of everyone walking on eggshells around Olivia when she was busy attacking us for no reason. Smearing our nin public like that. "Olivia was the one who leaked that information about you and your daughter to the press." Father looked atfunny. "If you think that, then you don't know the kind of woman your ex-wife is." Why was he taking her side in this? "Did you hear what I said, she leaked that information dad. She caused all this." Father shook his head. "No, son. I caused all this. I went about it the wrong way and Olivia might have changed after coming back from jail, but I don't believe she did this. What motive could she have to do this?" "How about the fact that you betrayed her when you got that information about her, when you toldshe had a child in prison. Don't you think that Is motive enough for her to want to get back at you?" father sighed.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt"You see what doing things without thinking does? First it was Olivia and my betrayal of her and then my daughter. The truth is Nick, I shouldn't have told you about her, I should have let her be the one to do it when she was ready. I was impulsive and told you betraying her in the process. It wasn't right. I don't blher for wanting to get back at me." He might regret what he did but Olivia had no right to do what she did. No right whatsoever. "I have to go." I stood but father stopped me. "If you are going to take that child from his mother, then you are not going to take him to your apartment with that woman. You are going to tell whomever you instructed to take him to bring him here." I frowned. "Don't frown. You think I am going to let you raise my grandson with a stranger? That is never going to happen. Your mother and I are more than capable of taking care of him. I don't trust that woman Nick and why is she still living with you?" His one to talk, his wife chased the mother of his kid away and made sure she never returned. Yet, he sat there judging me. "Let's not talk about her, but I will call them to bring Samuel here." I fished my phone out of my pocket and made the call.
Mother cin with Faren walking behind her. “My girls, there you are." Father said with a huge smile on his face. "Darling, I have something to tell you." I held my breath worried that she was going to tell him about what she did.
"What is it?" asked father. I looked at my sister and she looked like she couldn't be bothered, "I asked Faren to clive with us." I frowned. But a smile broke on father's face. He was happy. "That is good news, did you agree Faren, do you want to cstay here with us?" she nodded.
"Yes, at least until all this blows over." Chunter 4049 "Nonsense! This is your home, and you can stay as long as you want. This house is big, you can go a week without seeing us if you want to." I chuckled and they all looked at me. “What is so funny?" asked mother.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm"Oh, nothing, I am just happy that we are going to be one big family living under the sroof." Mother raised an eyebrow. "You don't live here anymore." She spoke. "Oh, know but I am moving back home. My son is coming to stay with me, and I will not be living in another place while he is here." Mother's simile was quickly replaced by anger. "What the hell did you do, Nick Jones?" I chuckled. "I took my son from his unfit mother." I shouldn't have said that. Mother Slappedso hard that I saw stars dancing in my line of vision.
Silence followed the slap. "To think I thought you were smart. You are such a fool. Who taught you that it was a right thing to take a child from his mother? Why have you turned into a monster?" that gotangry. "I learned from my mother, at least I am taking my son and bringing him to his family. What about you mother? Are you not the biggest monster in this room?"
"ENOUGH!" Father bellowed. "Never talk to your mother like that, boy. Or you will haveto deal with.M Laughed. He was such a fool. "Do you know what she did?" father glared at me, and I kept my mouth shut.
"I don't care what she did, but you don't get to talk to her that way, not in my presence, resence I told you the sthing she did. You are wrong, Nick.
Being angry when we tell you as not going to change that." Today's Bonus Offer GET IT NOW