Chapter 0061 NICK She got down from the chair and started packing everything away. "I am not jumpy, Nick. You just scaredthat's all." I watched her every move trying to see any sign of deceit. What the hell are you and your sister up to Sandra. "You said I should not trust your sister, what has she done?" She looked so nervous. "What?" I chuckled; the woman was takingfor a fool. “I asked what has your sister done that you say she cannot be trusted?" "Oh, well. Many things. She is awful Nick." Interesting, she could not even tellone thing she did. "Awful, how?" "I don't want to talk about this Nick, it hurtsto even think about it so please. Respect my privacy." She exploded. "Wow! There is no need for that, I just want to understand. How am I supposed to protect you from her if you don't tellthe truth? I protected you from my wife remember?" She sighed then stopped what she was doing and sat back down. I waited for her to say something. "My father was an alcoholic. An abusive alcoholic." Okay, I knew that. I wanted to hear why she thought her sister was horrible. Why was she playingfor a fool, and they were up to something.
"Our mother died, when I was seven and my sister twelve."I knew that too. "My father took custody of us, we worked and took care of us. But every the would drink, he would beat my sister up. It got so bad that she even dropped out of school." I felt sorry for her, and she looked hurt as she toldthe story.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtBut what did that got to do with her sister being awful? "Father would scoldbut never laid a hand on me. At least not until she leftthere when she turned eighteen. Since she was not there for my father to use as a punching bag, he turnedinto a punching bag." A tear dropped from her eyes. She looked like she was back there again, and I did that to her.
I felt guilty for doing that to her. "I prayed every night that he would not cback hand then he would, and he would be drunk. He would start by complaining about small things, food being cold or demanding food when. he didn't do groceries, and I always had to provide it. He didn't care where it cfrom but when he wanted food. I had to make sure he got it." She sniffed shaking her head. Sadness filled her eyes as she looked through the wall as if she was seeing something else other than the painting that hung there. “He would beatup and those nights. I would pray that my sister would cback and takewith her. but guess what, she never did." She chuckled mockingly. "I had to endure that for three years until he died in an accident. My sister showed up at the funeral like nothing happened and driving a new car. She had a good life while I suffered. My sister didn't even think ofwhen things were going well for her, she forgot aboutand so, I forgot about her. she is dead toand I mean that." Well, I believed that she did believe what she was saying but there was something else. Something she was not saying and that something could be the reason she and her sister were working together. The question was, what was it? "You know, one night people broke into the house. My father was passed out on the couch, and I was in my room. I jumped when I heard the door thinking it was my father, when I appeared it was them and they cafter me.
I ran to my room and got out through the window spraying my ankle in the process. That night I slept on the streets, yet I had a sister who could have savedbut was too busy enjoying her life to care." I wondered if she knew the kind of job her sister was doing back then or is still doing. I think if she knew then she wouldn't blher so much for what happened. Maybe she was ashamed of what she was doing that she would rather have her sister far away than for her to see how she turned out.
Chapter 0061 "I understand that but why wont you give her another chance. What you are saying happened a long tago, she might have changed, might be a better person but you wont find out if you keep her at arm's length.” I can't believe I was taking that woman's side.
She had no excuse for abandoning her sister in that situation no matter what she did for a living. It would have been better if she took and risked her finding out what she did then leave her in a bad situation like that.
"No, my
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏmsister has not changed, she is worse than she was before. I am even scared of her and what she might do one day." I frowned and closed the Land distance between us. She laughed nervously. "I mean, I am afraid of her world not her. I don't want to end up in that world. Anyway. Now you know why I don't talk about her."
She jumped off the chair and hurried. off to her room leavingwith more questions than answers she meant what she said, I saw the look in her eyes when she said she was afraid of her sister. I saw terror in her eyes, and she wasn't faking it.. I looked in the direction she disappeared to then went to my room. I took my phone and dialled my uncle. “Yes, what do you need?" mother must have told him I knew who he was because there was no "Sir" when he answered the call this time.
"I need more information on my sister, there is more to her than what meets the eyes.
need you to dign deeper and find out everything you can about her." there was silence. "Did you hear me?" silence. I took the phone off my ear and checked it. The call was not dropped but he was not saying anything. "Hello, are you there?" "I will get you the information you need but be careful how you use it when you get it, or you will regret ever asking for it." Today's Bonus Offer