Chapter 0080 OLIVIA He clutched on his chest bending a little. His face twisted tellingthat he was in pain. His eyes locked on me, and I saw pain in them. I watched as he stumbled a little losing strength on his knees finding it difficult to stand. Soon, his knees gave out and he fell on the floor. I sat there for a second not sure what was going on Then I pressed the emergency button next to my bed and next my room was filled with doctors and nurses tending to him and askingwhat happened. I had no words to say, I just kept my mouth shut. Soon, he was taken out of my room, and I laid back closing my eyes.
Nick was no longer my problem and whatever happened to him had nothing to do with me, that was his family hospital, and they would take care of him and inform his family. I only needed to think about myself and concentrate on getting better and going back to my son. I was almost falling asleep when the door opened.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtI opened my eyes only to be met by those of Nick's mother sighed, I was not in the mood for that family, I just needed a break from them. "Olivia how are you?" she asked as she pulled the chair her son was seating on earlier, closer to the bed. "Am getting better." She nodded. “I was called by the doctors; Nick had another heart attack." He had a heart attack before, and this was the second one. Interesting, the man was very healthy and watched what he ate, what could have caused it? "Doctor says it was brought on by extrstress. He has been under a lot of stress lately with your accident." I didn't know what she was trying to say or what she expectedto say.
"I know he did you wrong Olivia, but he is in pain too. He regrets everything he did to you, more so now that the truth has cout. He feels terrible and that is putting more stress on him.” 1 remained silent as I didn't know what she expectedto say.
"I am not asking you to forgive him, but I am asking you to please, for my sake. Take it easy on him." I chuckled; there it was. A mother would always take care of their own. I did nothing to him. if he is stressed then that has nothing to do with me. talk to him about taking care of himself and reduce his stress levels." I then turned the other way, done talking to her about Nick didn't even want to hear that name. I was mad at that man for everything he did to me, now he ctoapologizing as if that was going to bring back the two years I spent there. My grandmother and my uterus. His apology meant nothing to me.
but it was not "I will leave you to get srest. I am sorry to have bothered you." she was trying to guilt trip me, going to work. I was no longer her daughter in law, so I didn't have to feel guilty about anything. But as soon as the door closed my mind went back to Nick, how hurt he looked when I told him I hated him.
How he clutched on his chest as if he wanted to pull his heart right out. Part ofwas worried about his illness. He was too young to be having a second heart attack and madewonder if I was being too hard on him if maybe I was the cause of it all.
But then again, how much did I lose because of Nick Jones? Doctors called mine a butchered surgery because what that prison doctor did to me, she did not care that she was taking away my ability to carry my own children, to feel them grow insideor was she instructed to do just that. now I would have to used someone else to carry and grow my children for me. Nick was cruel, if he was involved in that too.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏmI shook my head trying to get rid of those thoughts there was no point in thinking about it. It was done and there was nothing I could do to change it. Thinking about it causedpain and anger. It was pointless.
"Are you awake?" Ethan's voice sounded and I turned. "Yes, how are you?" he walked closer to my bed looking Jike he had something to say. “I just checked on Nick; his mother toldhe had another heart attack.” It was a statement not a question, so I didn't answer. "I heard it happened right here in your room." "What exactly do you want to know Ethan, why don't you ask?" He pulled a chair and sat down. He lookedin Chapter 0080 the eye, and I knew then that the man who sat in front ofwas not my friend but Nick's best friend. “I know you and Nick have your issues. Hell! I don't like half the things the man did to you, but..." He paused and looked at me, but I still said nothing. There was nothing say to that version of him because no matter what I said. He would take his friend's side. "Nick issick Olivia. I am not saying you have anything to do with that but in a way you do. Nick is like this because he...?
I heard enough; I didn't want to hear about how sick the man was. He has putthrough so much and I was not complaining. "Ethan, I love you and appreciate everything you have done for me, but I will not sit here and listen to you talking about how sick Nick is and how it is my fault I don't care if it's my fault, it would serve him right for what he did."
I paused and he opened his mouth to say something, but nothing cyour friend's out. "You better go be by side. He needs you." he stood looking theed you disappointed, but I didn't care. I was tired of them walking all overas if I had no feelings. I was human too.
He opened the door then turned to look at me. "I love you too, Olivia he way he said it leftwith questions. Chapter pa #35 BONUS Chapter 0081