Chapter 0081 ELODIE I have been anxious the past week, not because of my family, well, in a way it was because of my family. Nick was out of the hospital and resting at home. His father was the one running the company in his absence. But the family. that gotworried was my brother, I knew he was planning something, and I wanted to know what it was I also knew that something was happening back home, and didn't have a way of finding out since my uncle went underground. He was the one who would have gottenall the information I needed. I had a feeling that he knew more than what he was leading on when he went undergrond. I think he knew that my evil brother was coming for me.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtWhat I didn't understand was why he was coming afternow, what did Nick do that pissed him off so much. I tried asking Nick about it, but he didn't know what I was talking about. There was a knock on the door, and I waited as the helper went to open the door.
My brother appeared with two men following behind. I was shocked to see him in my house, and I was frightened as well. The man already made it clear that he was coming after my family and him being in my home, didn't sit well with me.
Ellie are you not going to greet your big brother?" even that sounded like a threat. "Hello Luke. What are you doing here?" I looked around for something I could use as a weapon should he attack me. "I thought you wanted to know why I am going after your family, and I am here to tell you. Not unless you are not interested in knowing He raised an eyebrow, I shifted uncomfortably on my seat. “Of course, I want to know." "Good, you two. Connect those to the tv." He instructed the men he was with, and they started working on my tv. I kept my eyes on Luke. "Why are you after Nick and his family? They have done nothing to you." he looked angry when I said that, "They have done nothing to me, are you sure about that, Elbe?" I shifted on my seat; I wasn't sure. "Just tellwhy you are after them, Luke and maybe we can find a way to resolve it." He gavea smirk. "My thoughts exactly Ellie, finding a way to resolve this. But before we get to that I will tell you why I am after your son." He paused and looked at me, but I said nothing, waiting for him to tell me. "Remember I told you I had a daughter?" what the hell could Nick have to do with his daughter? I nodded though wanting him to continue." Olivia is my daughter" My eyes widened in shock and my mouth hung open When I was over that anger rose from the pit of my stomach, Luke was sick. "How could you? you knew about Nick and Olivia and yet you let them get married? You are my brother for God's sake!" he was sick, how could he allow this to happen? He looked very angry when I said that. "You keep saying that I am your brother, but I am not. I am just a man your parents took off the streets and raised as their own. Why do you think they let you live and marry outside of the mafia clan? Because you are their blood but when I wanted to marry the love of my life who was pregnant with my daughter. Your father toldthat he will kill her and my unborn baby if I dared marry her or go near them." He paced. "I had to watch from a distance as she moved on with her life and marry smoron." He stopped. pacing and looked atwith so much hatred. "Yet, with you, he didn't even protest, he let you walk away and marry the man of your dreams. That was because you are his daughter, and he wanted you to be happy while he couldn't care less about my happiness." I was so shocked that words left me.
Luke was not my biological brother and Olivia was his daughter. Now I got why he wanteddead so much that day, why he hatedas if I did him wrong. I also get why he was after Nick, he hurt Olivia badly. Oh, dear Lord What was I going to do? 1/2 Chapter 0091 #25 BONUS "As if that was not enough, having to watch my daughter grow up calling another than father, your son marries her and then hurts her. send her to jail for shit she didn't do Then..." he chuckled darkly shaking his head. "Then I find out that your father, sent people to her while she was in there, in your son's nto torture her. when I asked him why, you know what he told me?"
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏmI still said nothing, father was responsible for what happened to Olivia, oh my God. "He toldthat no one hurt his grandson and not pay the price. After everything I sacrificed for him and your family. My daughter meant nothing to your father, and I meant nothing to him as well, so, I am here to give you a choice, something your father never gave me."
He turned to the men he cwith.
"Switch it on." The man switched on the tv, and Nick and his father Whis father m appeared. James was in his office working and I could tell the feed was live, but he wasn't aware he was being watched. Nick sat on the couch doing something on his phone. My heart sank when I saw that.
"Luke, I know father did you wrong and I am sorry about that. I know Nick wronged your daughter as well, but he is trying to make it up to her, E please give him a chance to work things out with her." I begged; I was not ready for whatever he was planning to do with my family. my "I don't care about that, I want you to choose Elodie, who do I kill, your coward of a husband or your son?" knees grew weak, and I collapsed on the couch. "No, little sis, you don't get to do that. it's either you choose, or I kill them both. What will it be?" -Oh Lord, father, what have you done.